Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Baked Beans and Spam*

*If you don't get the joke in the title, Google "monty python spam", watch the YouTube video, laugh, and be content that you now are "in" on the joke.

Just a quick FYI. I have changed the comments settings so that anonymous comments are no longer allowed.

Looking back, I may have had one, legitimate anonymous comment since I began blogging. In that same time period, I have received 87 spam comments. Granted, Blogger has managed to dump the vast majority of those into the spam toilet preventing you all from being bothered with links to virus and fraud infested websites.

The reason for the change is that I appear to have landed on someone's radar as the spam comment traffic appears to have kicked into high gear in the last month or two.

To those few who read here who do not have Open ID accounts (Blogger, Word Press, etc.) feel free to send me your comments via email at krerick via Google's email service. I'll publish them, but be sure to let me know if you want your name (or a pseudonym) included.



  1. Great, now you have the Monty Python spam song stuck in my head.

    1. Odysseus, I'm so, not really. So, glad somebody else has it stuck in their head with me.

  2. Most people don't know that a Google name is jus a Yahoo email account. A person can make an emal account with any name, real or silly or serious.

    1. Linda, yep. Many moons ago, I had a silly email address. Then, I grew up, got a haircut and a real job.

    2. I used to have that problem Hawk. There's not much that irritates me like spammers do. My problem is that many of my friends have a problem signing up for an evil google account. I want them to be able to leave comments as well. So what I've done is to set my comments to be moderated after 3 days. This gives everyone the chance to comment. I've noticed that 99% of the spam I get is posted on older posts. Google spam filter and the moderating of comments on posts older than those 3 days has practically eliminated the spammers for me. I hate having to moderate comments at all but I hate spammers even worse.
      Hope this helps! Have a Super Day!

    3. SciFi, I tried your suggestion as I saw the same trend. Unfortunately, I was getting spam on new posts too. So, short of hiring a hacker to crash the spammers accounts, it was restriction or spam. And, I don't like spam. I really don't like the spam, spam, spam, baked beans and spam special.


I am not easily offended. Please feel free to express your opinions: good, bad or indifferent. Basically, the "Golden Rule" applies. You get what you give. Treat others like trash here, and your comments will be trashed accordingly. Rudeness and vulgarity will not be tolerated.