Saturday, August 17, 2024

Saturday Memes and Stuff

M&M and I are animal sitting for my cousin and his wife the last few days. This handsome fellow is Indiana who has apparently claimed me as his emotional support human.

I admit to a bit of a cluttering habit. The Queen is a stuffer. So, if my clutter is missing, I have to figure out where she stuffed it. 

My cousin’s cat, Salem, apparently lost the custody battle. So, now he engages in “crime hour” twice a day.

Blue Bell has lost their damn mind….

Best friend and Number 1 Follower is doing Uber and Lyft as a side hustle these days. This kicked over my giggle box, but it’s also true.

I learned how to make my own memes. This is our youngest cat Tiny putting her taint all over my freshly washed large skillet.

Yeah…that’s not the way that works at all. I did manage to get a shadow ban from a friend who took down an entire comment string because I apparently had the temerity to play devils advocate and question how he defines rights and which rights exactly he thinks he doesn’t have (he is in the LGBTQ+ community) and why it’s the government’s business to “fix it” in the first place. 

Late one night, I was taking a friend home driving through the tiny town of Pantego, TX. At the corner of Bowen and Park Row is a gas station where 3 Pantego PD cars were parked. This is like 1 or 2 AM. I made a crack about “Hey look, it’s the Donut Squad.” Yep. You guessed it. I got pulled over by the 4TH Donut Squad member a couple hunderd yards down the road. He wrote me a ticket for “35 in a 49” which the judge refused to throw out. The worst part is I wasn’t going 49. The cop was parked at the bottom of a hill, and I was going up the hill. He radared a car coming down the hill but pulled me over.

The Olympics memes were absolute fire this year.

Our dog Snow posing for a great meme.

I want this. I don’t care if it’s not practical. I want it  


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