Friday, April 26, 2024

Warning: Religious Thoughts to Follow

I recently came across this meme which was very timely considering my church just celebrated The Passover on Sunday evening (we keep the Holy Days outlined in the Old Testament modified as specifically demonstrated by Jesus Christ His Own Self in the New Testament). Passover, for the uninitiated, is one such Old Testament Holy Day which dates back to the Book of Exodus when the children of Israel put the blood of a lamb on their door posts and lintels so that the Death Angel would  literally pass over their house during the final plague of Egypt in which the first born were killed. The Old Testament commanded that the Israelites celebrate the Passover every year as a memorial to how God brought them out of Egypt. 

By the time of Christ, the ceremony had become more of a lavish and relaxed meal. Christ changed things up a bit at "The Last Supper" (which was a Passover meal immediately before He was arrested and condemned to death). He taught His disciples about the new meaning of the Passover which included the breaking/eating of bread and sipping of wine to symbolize the broken body of Christ and His shed blood for the remission of our sins. Other places in scripture say that Christ took the beating leading up to His Cruxifiction so that we could be healed. The main thing that Christ did during that ceremony was wash the feet of His followers as an act of humility and service. 

It is that act of service and humility that is a core practice in my church that baptized members perform every year as a solemn reminder of what He did for us. Most every year, we get a sermon or two leading up to The Passover talking about all the familiar bits about the bread, wine, the sacrifice, etc. Rarely does a minister focus on the foot washing. So, that is why struck me so strongly this year.

I tend to be a caretaker type personality to begin with, and acts of service come pretty naturally to me. That said, the point that brought me up short was that He KNEW He was going to die, He could have done ANYTHING, and He chose to wash the feet of his disciples. 

I admit that, when I run through the things I might want to do if I knew I was going to die tomorrow, washing feet is not at the top of that list. If I am being perfectly honest, it's not even in the top 10. That said, I would want to take those last few hours and spend as much of it with my wife and daughter and those close to me as I possibly could. 

We only get one chance at this ride, and there are no guarantees, do overs, returns or refunds. Make the most of  it of the time you are given. 


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Memes, Memes and More Memes

More accurately, this is M&M's Starter Kit to Put Daddy Hawk in an early grave. 

For my best bud, brother from another mother and number one follower who has an obsession with squirrels. 

It took my a moment or two to figure out what's wrong with this one. Let me know if you spot it too.

There's a reason he is snorkling in the Indian Ocean, and it's not just for 9/11. Just saying.

The Queen keeps telling me I need to eat more greens.  Apparently, Green M&Ms were not what she had in mind. get the idea.

My truck is earth toned. Does that count?

My 36% or so Scandanavian DNA is mildly disappointed by this turn of events. It was told there would be pillaging.

Me at a church potluck when the deacon's wife brings her infamous Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Rice Krispy Balls.

Yes, but...EEEWWWwwwww.

This little concept has started more than a few wars and schisms. 

I must do this before I die. 

This is some insurance claims nerd humor. Trust's funny.

I sent this to a friend from high school who was a competitive swimmer at a Tier 1 college. She laughed her ass off. 

I'm not to name any names here, but.... Further information withheld on advice of counsel pending purchase of a more comfortable couch.