Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another Thing I Will Never Understand

[Insert Name Here] (who I have decided to rename as Wicket...he is the hairiest little tricycle motor I've ever seen) will be going back to his original foster family on Tuesday. As much as it shames me to admit this, neither The Queen nor I can wait for him to go back. While he can be a very sweet little boy, his behavioral issues and our being prevented from properly training him have us pulling our hair out. The only thing that has saved him from having his hide tanned is that it would end any chance we have of getting M&M.

Anybeating, this is about stuff I will never understand not how to retrain a four year old in two weeks or less (note to those can't be done without means to instill fear of imminent bodily harm).

I have commented here before about my complete lack of understanding when it comes to subjects like homosexuality (I don't condemn those that practice it...I just have no grasp on why it is attractive to some people), the blind optimism of people who think that a politician will keep a promise and why people abuse children.

We can now add child pornography to the list of things I will never comprehend.

Not that I ever considered it appropriate before. Quite the opposite. I would gladly take any opportunity to arrange a meeting between God and a child pornographer. They would have so much to discuss.

Here's the deal. When Wicket came to us 12 days ago, he had a raging rash on his butt. You've heard the phrase "that really chaps my a**." Well, I can tell you what that looks like. As a result of said condition, we have been forced to let Wicket run amok au natural in the castle to allow his butt to heal. After what seems like the four hundredth time of saying, "Cover your penis. No one wants to see it." as Wicket sits on the couch or a chair at the dinner table with his legs spread wide for all heaven and earth to see the glory of his little pee shooter, I can honestly say I will NEVER understand what would possess some demented pervert to WANT to look at that for giggles, grins and sexual gratification.

I'm still looking for suitable brain bleach. I'll take suggestions.


  1. oh hon...i had a friend that took in abused, foster children...the stories she told sent chills up my spine. if they are sexualized early - they don't know what they are doing and learn early what to do. please delete this comment if it is inappropriate. and send me an email if you want to know more about this horribly, awful thing.

    i love YOU and The Queen for going through this. so much love to both of you.

    your friend,

    1. Kymber, the comment is not inappropriate. To be clear, I have no idea if Wicket was abused in that way. Also, I have no desire for more details on it. I got enough of that when I went through foster parent training. Anymore and I am likely to take up vigilanteism as a hobby.

  2. Well, a new forever google-shame post with my real name and musings regarding kiddie-porn - super. Reminds me of: [Too late to stop now / Van Morrison.] Anywho, uncooperative kids need the boot-camp method: 1) tire them out ...2) THEY ARE NOT IN CHARGE ...3) instruct ...4) bone-tired sleepiness / occasional nutritious food, if they don't like it, they ain't hungry -Repeat- --you're welcome.

    1. Russell, my sincerest apologies. I was trying to be efficient, and it didn't even register that it was probably not a good idea to link a new follower to that subject. I will edit this to separate out your information into a post of its own.

      For the record, The Queen and I agree with the boot camp method. It just usually takes more than two weeks to achieve the desired results.

    2. Oh, good lord... get that sarcasm radar triangulation re-calibrated. My "permanent record" has so many dings that THE ONLY thing left in google-shame register would be some round-about pefectly reasonable blog-post about poor wayward orphans & running around the house nekkid. I actually very much admire people running THE REAL SAFETY NET. You (& people like you) DID BUILD THAT. Just watch out for those 'Damien / Chucky' type kids - sleep with one eye open.

    3. Russell, recalibration complete. It is hard to know how to gauge people from their first comments.

    4. Dry humor, just like my Martini's, just like my basement bunker.

    5. Russell, I too have a dry humor. It is amazing to me how many people don't get it.

  3. Well, I am torn between laughter and nausea.

    1. A Girl, but for the fact that it was very frustrating, I would have been too.

  4. Like you said, Wicket makes you really appreciated M&M all the more.

  5. How did I miss this?

    Did you ever find any mind bleach?

    1. GunDiva, not sure how you missed this. Haven't found the right bleach yet. It doesn't help that Mini Me keeps trying to emulate Wicket in certain ways.


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