Wednesday, August 23, 2023

14 Years and Counting

 I wasn't paying attention, and I failed to realize that this little blog's birthdate came and went last week completely unnoticed. That makes this little corner of the interwebs older than my daughter. Who'd a thunk it?

According to Blogger, this is my 750TH post, something over 700,000 page views since we drove this puppy off the lot, a little over 3000 comments probably half of which are mine since I am in the habit of trying to respond to everyone's comments here, and a very rough estimate of anywhere from 250 to 450 people who come here for their meme fix when I collect enough to make it worth everyone's time. 

I'm on my fifth residence and fifth job (not including temp positions) since starting the blog. There was a brief dalliance with law school in there. Six foster kids, one successful adoption, one failed attempted adoption, two layoffs and a firing. 

We took care of The Queen's parents and went through The Long Goodbye with Alzheimer's in The Queen Mum. I suppose you could say we've covered a lot of ground here in these posts. 

Thinking back on the people who have visited here and left their tracks in the comments of these posts, I have appreciated the opportunity to connect with a variety of people even if only at a distance or, in rare cases, in person. I do wonder sometimes what happened to some of the people who seem to have moved on without a word. Kymber, Mr. Daddy, Jane of Virginia, Mel and others were quite active in the comments early in this blog's life. I hope you all are doing well in wherever part of life you find yourselves. 

Others have come along and taken up the helm of frequent commenters. Cederq, Bear Claw Chris and Big Macus to name a few. Thank you all for taking the time. I know I am terrible at commenting (mainly because I don't have ready access to a technology solution that will allow me to sign in to Blogger to make a comment on a regular basis). 

Anyway, I know I'm not the most frequent poster and there are probably squirrels with more consistency of thought than I. Hopefully, I give you a smile, a chuckle or something to think about once in a while. Nonetheless, thanks for dropping by. 

Take a moment to drop a note in the comments. I look forward to seeing you there. 


  1. Congratulations! Fourteen years is a very long time in blog years. Glad you keep plugging away. Here's to fourteen more!

    1. Sarge, Thank you much. I haven't commented on yours lately, but I have been thoroughly enjoying the WWII fiction series. I look forward to each installment. I've got something coming up next in that vein that's been kicking around in my head for a decade, that I need to kick off dead center before it drives me mad. Look for it soon.

  2. Isn't fourteen years in blog time equal to 23 years in snail time? I enjoy your blog Hawk and glad I came by when I did. I wondered at times of your absence. I am glad you found your muse and back to posting. I salute you for another fourteen years... Salud! Salud!

    1. Cederq,I have no idea how long blog time equates in real time. They keep saying blogging is dead, and I have to say I've seen quite a few prolific people pack it in for other pastures over the years. But, for better or worse, this platform fits my mental outlet needs better than Facebook where I keep things locked down to friends only.

  3. Well, you sound a lot like a human, complete with foibles. Keep it up.

    1. Tree Mike, I know I'm human even if society and even some closest to me think I'm super human. I've had to learn to start drawing a line and saying no occasionally. Not always as easy as it sounds.


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