Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wednesday Memery Wackiness



  1. Extraordinary set today Hawk, but sadden that General Lee didn't make it...I like the idea of the corn dog! I too have ridden in the back of a truck, a fender of a John Deere on the road and drank out a lot of hoses that were used to fill horse, cow and pig troughs...

    1. Cederq, same. I remember riding my bicycle literally all over town until the street lights came on. Not a care in the world. We played tag, hide and seek and paper chase all through the neighborhood, cutting through yards, and no one died or cared.

  2. CEDERQ! Get back to work, I'm finding you EVERYWHERE! I'm supposed to be here know, the thing...never mind...
    OH yeah! Now I remember, lotsa good ones in thar.

    1. Tree Mike, I am everywhere! Your worse nightmare, or assurance I am robbing decent memes and themes... For your enjoyment of course. I was actually commenting here way before I found Phil's place and now I are on it.


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