Tuesday, February 5, 2013

M&M...A Year (or so) In Pictures, Part 4

Mommy Queen and M&M sharing a hug.

When can I drive a real car Daddy?

No, I'm not posing. What makes you think that?

Spanky uses his laser eyes when cornered.

You can use a carry tray as a stroller seat when necessary.

M&M can sleep anywhere, anytime, in any position.

A happy Queen and her princess.

M&M singing in the rain.

Another faceplant. This is her preferred sleeping position.

Now, if I can just reach the pedals, this baby is gone!


  1. DaddyH - again, she is just beautiful! those pics are priceless and i love the commentary! oh and tell the Queen that she is beautiful too - i love her smile!

    your friend,

    1. Kymber, she does have a wonderful and cute little giggle that goes with it.

  2. I love every single picture. :) Please continue on.. :)

    She looks like the happiest kid around... spectacular!

    1. Jennifer, thanks. She is very happy. Especially when in mommy or daddy's arms.

  3. What a lovely, and lovely looking family !

  4. The cuteness is almost too great to be borne!

    1. Auntie J, I know exactly what you mean. Every time I come home from work, I just have to pick her up and hold she's so cute.


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