Saturday, December 8, 2018

Saturday Evening Sillyness

I just call it a butt warmer.

Or, you know, your ex-wife's mother.

PETA= Peopele Eating Tasty Animals

And donuts

I'll be kind and not name names here. 

So, there was a fourth wise man, Marty, who brought glad tidings and Van Halen's Eruption.

Nothing a little duct tape won't fix.

I'd do that if it would fit in a cup holder. Maybe for the office. 

13. Turkey bacon, while not an abomination unto bacon, is not an acceptable substitute.
14. Beef bacon, however, is awesome.


  1. Garfield calls them 'bun warmers" (thank you, Jim Davis).

    1. Anon, Garfield also thought a rolled up sock was a member of the crescent roll family.


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