Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saturday Afternoon Tomfoolery


This is no joke. It’s either a monsoon or an oven set on broil. There is no middle ground. Either way, you marinate in your own sweat.

This REALLY needs to happen. 

The Queen is guilty as charged. It really annoys me sometimes as she inevitably asks a question that the movie addresses in the next five minutes. It got to the point I had to make a rule that there is no talking in movies we haven’t seen. On movies we have seen, I hit pause, say “wait for it” and restart the movie.

And a bar…can’t forget the bar. 

I need this in my life at least once a month.

For those of you who have never experienced Pancho’s, it’s really not about the food. You go to Pancho’s to raise the flag and have MORE food brought to you until you can’t eat anymore. Except sopapillas and honey. There’s always room for warm sopapillas and honey.

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