Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Lawyers, Liars and the Legal System


The meme has nothing to do with today's subject except maybe tangentially, but it does kick over my giggle box. That said, there is a corollary to the meme that the scales of justice can be tipped with the sufficient application of large amounts of untraceable cash or other valuable consideration. The fact that Hillary Clinton and the cast of characters in Jeffrey Epstien and Giselle Maxwell's Client List Little Black Book are still walking free is no coincidence. 

Despite the fact that I make a living dealing with lawyers and the legal system everyday, I am not a fan of either. Too much familiarity with the sausage making process to trust it fully I suppose. So, it is with no small amount of loathing and reluctance that I agreed to give a deposition in a lawsuit arising out of a claim I handled several years ago. I could have said "go pound sand" and been well within my legal rights to do so. 1) I am out of subpoena range, 2) I am no longer employed by the company I was working for at the time, 3) they nuked the bridge from orbit which means, 4) I have no incentive to play nice. 

Unfortunately for  me, I am a stand up guy at heart. So, despite the fact that I will not get so much as an "attaboy", I now get to spend my free time for the next few days preparing for my deposition (which is the mental equivalent of a colonoscopy without the benefit of anesthesia) and then spend the better part of a day on a video conference being grilled by various attorneys about events and thought processes that took place 4 to 5 years ago now just so a few insurance companies can battle it out over who should pony up a couple of million dollars. 

There's not enough Bourbon to make this little misadventure fun. Just saying. 


  1. I have been subject to dispositions as a nurse in malpractice suits and my cut off date was two years from when I was informed of a pending lawsuit that did not involve me except what was direct charting from me on a patients chart. Two years and I can't remember what color socks I wore that day and you expect me to remember what a doctor said in my presence or what he did unless it was under direct observation and I charted to that? Go pound sand! I have pissed off a lot of lawyers in my time by refusing the disposition or would only answer questions directly attributed to my charting and refusing to answer any other question. Since I wasn't a defendant I charged them unholy professional witness fees and not answer questions.

    1. CederQ, that professional witness gig is good money if you can get it. Got a former colleague who does that as his retirement gig. I agree about remembering what is not noted. My deposition will be along the lines of "if it's not in the notes, I do not recall." Of course, I have diarrhea of the word processor when it comes to my notes and email correspondence. So, there will be a lot of "Well, that is what I wrote." too.


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